Puteri Gunung Ledang Gegar Cameronian Arts Awards
Puteri Gunung Ledang terpilih dalam pencalonan akhir untuk The BOH Cameronian Arts Awards yang akan berlangsung pada bulan April depan. Produksi unggul teater muzikal tersebut mengungguli 12 pencalonan dalam 9 kategori. Antaranya ialah Persembahan Kumpulan Terbaik, Pengarah Terbaik, Pereka Tatacahaya Terbaik, Pereka Set Terbaik, Pereka Bunyi dan Muzik Terbaik, Pereka Kostum Terbaik, Pelakon Terbaik, Pelakon Pembantu Terbaik dan Skrip Bahasa Melayu Terbaik. Tahniah buat produksi Puteri Gunung Ledang.
Calon-calon Kategori Teater
1. Best Group Performance
Prize of RM1,000 and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter
- Second Link, directed by Ivan Heng and Krishen Jit, curated by Eleanor Wong, Alvin Pang and Leow Puay Tin, presented by W!ld RICE in collaboration with Five Arts Centre and The Actors Studio
- “Silence, please”, written and directed by Jo Kukathas in Break-ing (Ji Po) Ka Si Pe Cah, presented by Pentas Project
- Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri and Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- “Repot”, written and directed by Loh Kok Man, in Break-ing (Ji Po) Ka Si Pe Cah, presented by Pentas Project
- Baling (membaling), written and directed by Mark Teh, presented by Five Arts Centre
2. Best Director
Prize of RM1,000 and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Zahim Albakri and Adlin Aman Ramlie for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Nam Ron for Laut Lebih Indah dari Bulan, written by Nam Ron, presented by Alternative Stage
- Zahim Albakri for Gold Rain & Hailstones, written by Jit Murad, presented by Dramalab
- Joe Hasham for The Fastest Clock in the Universe, written by Philip Ridley, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
- Jo Kukathas for “Silence, please”, written by Jo Kukathas in Break-ing (Ji Po) Ka Si Pe Cah, presented by Pentas Project
3. Best Lighting Design
Prize of RM1,000 and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Mac Chan for “Repot”, written and directed by Loh Kok Man, in Break-ing (Ji Po) Ka Si Pe Cah, presented by Pentas Project
- Mac Chan for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Mac Chan for Gold Rain & Hailstones, written by Jit Murad and directed by Zahim Albakri, presented by Dramalab
- Lim Ang Swee for The Fastest Clock in the Universe, written by Philip Ridley, directed by Joe Hasham, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
- Lim Ang Swee for Frankenstein in Love, written by Clive Barker, directed by Gavin Yap, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
4. Best Set Design
Prize of RM1,000 and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Raja Malek for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Crystal Woo, Mac Chan, Sidney Tan & Zahim Albakri for Gold Rain & Hailstones, written by Jit Murad, directed by Zahim Albakri, presented by Dramalab
- Loo Jia-Wei for The Fastest Clock in the Universe, written by Philip Ridley, directed by Joe Hasham, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
- Caecar Chong & Teoh Shaw Gie for “Silence, please”, written and directed by Jo Kukathas in Break-ing (Ji Poh) Ka Si Pe Cah, presented by Pentas Project
- Arica Chia for The Two of Us : Chinamen by Michael Frayn, directed by Andy Cranshaw, presented by The Actors Studio
5. Best Music & Sound Design
Prize of RM1,000 and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Y. Subowo for Wangi Jadi Saksi, written and directed by U-Wei bin HajiSaari, presented by leBrocquy Fraser Production
- Two AM Sound Studios for Gold Rain & Hailstones, written by Jit Murad, directed by Zahim Albakri, presented by Dramalab
- Michael Thomas for Frankenstein in Love, written by Clive Barker, directed by Gavin Yap, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
- John Siew for “Silence, please”, written and directed by Jo Kukathas in Break-ing (Ji Poh) Ka Si Pe Cah, presented by Pentas Project
- Dick Lee for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
6. Primavera Best Costume Design
Prize of RM1,000 sponsored by Primavera and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Sutex Haron for Wangi Jadi Saksi, written and directed by U-Wei bin HajiSaari, presented by leBrocquy Fraser Production
- Akma Suriati Awang for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- The Actors Studio for The Two of Us: Chinamen, written by Michael Frayn, directed by Andy Cranshaw, presented by The Actors Studio
- The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre for Endgame, written by Samuel Beckett, directed by Gavin Yap, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
- Loo Jia-Wei for Frankenstein in Love, written by Clive Barker, directed by Gavin Yap, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
7. Best Actor in a Leading Role
Prize of an all-expense-paid 5-day trip to the Melbourne Arts Festival, sponsored by The Australian High Commission Kuala Lumpur and a trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Jit Murad for Gold Rain & Hailstones, written by Jit Murad, directed by Zahim Albakri, presented by Dramalab
- Marlenny Deen Erwan for Laut Lebih Indah Dari Bulan, written and directed by Nam Ron, presented by Alternative Stage
- Jo Kukathas for Happy Days, written by Samuel Beckett, directed by Chris Jacobs, presented by Instant Café Theatre Company and Masakini Theatre Company
- Tiara Jacquelina for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Stephen Rahman-Hughes for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
8. Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Prize of RM1,000 and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Joanna Bessey for The Fastest Clock in the Universe, written by Philip Ridley, directed by Joe Hasham, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
- AC Mizal for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Adlin Aman Ramlie for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Sukania Venugopal for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, written by Adlin Aman Ramlie, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Patrick Teoh for The Homecoming, written by Harold Pinter, directed by Gavin Yap, presented by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
9. Best Original Script, Bahasa Malaysia
Prize of RM1,000 and trophy sponsored by Tumasek Pewter- Adlin Aman Ramlie for Puteri Gunung Ledang, The Musical, co-directed by Zahim Albakri & Adlin Aman Ramlie, music composed by Dick Lee, musical direction by Roslan Aziz, presented by Enfiniti Productions
- Nam Ron for Laut Lebih Indah Dari Bulan, directed by Nam Ron, presented by Alternative Stage
- Nam Ron for “VVIP”, written and directed by Nam Ron in Break-ing (Ji Po) Ka Si Pe Cah, presented by Pentas Project
Pengumuman calon telah dilakukan di laman web Kakiseni pada jam 12 tengahari tanpa perlu majlis gah di hotel-hotel lima bintang. Hanya dengan pengumuman di internet, satu dunia telah pun menjadi penonton mereka. Tahniah Kakiseni kerana telah melangkah ke hadapan berdepan dengan teknologi new media. Soalnya sekarang, kenapa kita perlu berganjak ke belakang ? Ini dunia baru, terimalah hakikatnya wahai kawan-kawan.
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