Hari ini hari terakhir tahun 2002. Terlalu banyak kenangan tahun ini untuk aku ingati, atau kalau boleh lupakan.
Hari ini aku akan menghadiri satu majlis pengkebumian.Aku berpakaian serba hitam hari ini. Sudah hampir lima tahun aku bersamanya. Hari ini tiba saat untuk berpisah. Lima tahun bukan satu jangkamasa yang singkat. Aku membesar bersamanya. Aku berada di sisinya tatkala ia dilahirkan. Aku yang mengajarnya bertatih. Aku yang cuba menyuapkan makanan ke mulutnya. Hampir lima tahun aku bersamanya. Aku hidup bersamanya tatkala...
teaser sultanmuzaffar version 2.0
Easing The Pain Of Retrenchment
Alfred Charles, Managing Consultant
Retrenchment is the discharge of the surplus employees due to a downturn in business, the installation of labour-saving machinery, the standardisation or improvement of plants and techniques. This will result in the reorganisation of the employer's undertaking; consequently, some employees may be redundant and may have to be retrenched. However, the retrenchment must be bona fide and not for the purpose of victimising employees...
teaser sultanmuzaffar version 2.0
The Law in Relation to Retrenchment in Malaysia
Asiah Bidin, UUM
The world was plunged into a global economic recession some two years now, and is still coping with trying to stay afloat. While some countries have remained buoyant throughout the crisis, others are already seeing signs of drowning.
This global infection has also affected Malaysia. And, as prove of the extensive reach of the downturn, many have been struck down as retrenched casualties.
Hundreds and hundreds of employees...
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Sempena hari baik bulan baik ini, aku mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada semua khalayak sultanmuzaffar. Terima kasih di atas sokongan an...