
SULTANMUZAFFAR (26 Februari 2002 - sekarang)

Seorang blogger, pelayar internet, penyelam scuba dan penagih tegar televisyen dan Wii. Melihat seluruh dunia di laman blog menerusi kamera DSLR dan kacamata tebalnya (kadang-kadang kanta lekap).

Mengkritik tidak bererti menentang, menyetujui tidak semestinya menyokong, menegur tidak bermakna membenci, dan berbeza pendapat adalah kawan berfikir yang baik.
Entri oleh sultanmuzaffar 21 November 2003


GPMGPM launches "SMS for Charity" campaign


KUALA LUMPUR, November 20, 2003 (Thursday): Global Peace Malaysia (GPM) today signed an agreement with SMSfocal Sdn Bhd to officially launch its "SMS for Charity" campaign.

With this campaign, members of the public can contribute to charity by using their mobile phones through all the five networks - 012,013,017,016 and 019.

The public can choose to contribute RM1,RM2,RM3,RM4 or RM5. All you need to do is to go to the "write message" box of the hand phone and type: GPM followed by space and the amount you wish to contribute i.e (1,2,3,4 or 5), then send to 39111.

Anda boleh memilih untuk menderma RM1, RM2, RM3, RM4 atau RM5. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan ialah pilih "write message" pada telefon bimbit anda dan taip: GPM diikuti dengan ruang dan nilai yang ingin anda dermakan, contoh (1,2,3,4 atau 5), dan kemudian hantar ke 39111.

"Thanks to today's technological advances, donation to charity is made so much easier and faster, which will be a boon to us, especially when we are in dire need of funds to continue our humanitarian relief work," said GPM Vice Chairman Puan Sharifah Aminah Al-Khared.

"As you know, GPM is active not only in Malaysia but also provides humanitarian aid to Iraqis, Afghans, Sri Lankans and the unfortunate people of other third world nations.

"In order to be effective, our aid projects must be long-term commitments. These normally include food programmes, children's education as well as community rebuilding and rehabilation programmes, which will take at least 3 to 5 years to have a meaningful impact," she said

"We are now in a dilemma as we are finding difficulty in fulfilling our pledge to the Iraqi children to provide basic educational materials when school commences. Our rebuilding programmes in Afghanistan and other countries are also running short of funds," said Sharifah

She said that todate all GM's humanitarian relief had been dependent on money raised through its members and friends.

She also said that GPM have been promised funds from many quarters but have received none so far.

"We are sad about this situation because we fear that if we don't receive funds soon, we may have to close down our international operations and abandon all our humanitarian programmes in Iraq and Afghanistan," she said.

Accordingly to her, GPM have been actively involved in humanitarian work since the early 1990s in war-torn countries like Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo and currently in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and other trouble nations.

"Through our humanitarian efforts, we have earned the trust and respect of the people in the numerous countries we've work in, and they readily accept us because we are Malaysians," she said.

"We have been receiving calls for help almost daily from our counterparts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and other places," said Sharifah Aminah.

"We sincerely hope our fellow Malaysians will once again help us to help these unfortunate people through our "SMS for Charity" campaign in the spirit of giving and sharing during this festive season," she said.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, SMSfocal Sdn Bhd Chief Operating Officer, Encik Muhammad Nasir Habizar said he was pleased to play a part in the charity initiative and pledged to ensure the success of the campaign.

SMSfocal is a contents and SMS solutions provider for the ICT industry. Its services include research on new SMS Technology, Trends and Applications; consultancy in multimedia application development, network applications & installation, and other ICT related management systems as well as retailer of ICT products.

Issued for and behalf of Global Peace Malaysia (GPM) by ADAD Communications. For futher information, kindly contact Ainuddin Dahlan or Karen Liew at Tel: 03-7957 6461 or Fax: 03-7957 6027 or email:adad@po.jaring.my

Dari Salman bin Amir r.a., dari Nabi saw., beliau bersabda,

"Sesungguhnya bersedekah kepada orang miskin dianggap satu pahala, sedangkan bersedekah kepada kerabat dianggap dua pahala; satu pahala sedekah dan satu pahala menyambung silaturahim."
(H.R. Nasai)

Mutiara hadis:
1. Keutamaan sedekah kepada fakir miskin dan keluarga dekat.
2. Keutamaan menyambung silaturahmi.
3. Kelipat-gandaan ganjaran bersedekah kepada keluarga dekat.